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what makes LEGO® Serious Play® so powerful?

We know from experience that LSP sessions can generate unique results when compared with other workshop methods, but why is that? The LSP methodology has not only had 20+ years of business-based testing, but it is also grounded in well-researched neuroscience.


Biopsychiatry studies have shown that when a baby is forming in the womb, the skin of its palms is formed from the same cytological material as the brain’s cortex. The two share an embryological development symmetry. Further studies (in adults) have linked the hands and the brain, and show how events in the brain are given an integral organic representation in the hands.

Many well-regarded scientists (including Jean Piaget, Seymour Papert, and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi) have conducted exhaustive studies on the importance of hands-on learning and how that can lead to a quicker, deeper and more diverse set of ideas.


The hand-mind connection becomes powerful when hands are used as a search engine for the brain. LSP is specifically designed to tap into that phenomenon.

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