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What is LEGO® Serious Play®?

LEGO® Serious Play® (or LSP for short) is a facilitated workshop methodology using carefully selected LEGO bricks, animals, minifigures and accessories as the workshop tools.

LSP works in a tactile, highly-visual way as participants create a series of LEGO ‘builds’, answering a series of questions to reach an agreed objective. We talk about LSP being like a ‘3D printer for your ideas’ – you and your team can literally get your thoughts out on the table for everyone to see and discuss.

The traditional use for LEGO is to build models that represent tangible objects from the physical ‘outside’ world (such as cars, buildings and castles) in the same way that a child would play. In LSP, we build models that represent intangible things from the ‘inside’ world – concepts, ideas, emotions and connections. We do this via metaphor and storytelling to help express ourselves in new ways. Each person assigns their own meanings (metaphors) to the LEGO bricks and tells their own stories – there is no right or wrong answer in LSP!

LSP can be used in any industry and at any level within an organisation. It can be used with any education level, any age, and any level of LEGO experience. The LSP methodology is effective for all types of groups (companies, corporations, not-for-profits, sporting codes, educational institutes, community groups, families, etc.), and even individuals.

LSP has been embraced and endorsed by giants such as Coca-Cola, eBay, EY, Google, Microsoft, NASA, Qantas, Toyota, Accenture and Shell.

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